Neck Pain

Main causes of neck pain

Neck pain is a common complaint that can be caused by a variety of factors. Some common causes of neck pain include:

  1.  Muscle strains or sprains: These occur when the muscles or ligaments in the neck are stretched or torn, causing pain and discomfort.
  2.  Poor posture: Maintaining poor posture for long periods of time, such as sitting at a desk or looking down at a phone, can strain the muscles in the neck and cause pain.
  3.  Whiplash: This type of neck injury occurs when the head is suddenly and violently thrown forward and backward, often as a result of a car accident.
  4.  Disc herniation: A herniated disc in the neck can cause neck pain by compressing or irritating the nearby nerves.
  5.  Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and other types of arthritis can cause inflammation and pain in the neck joints. 

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What are the symptoms of Neck Pain?

  1.  Pain in the neck, shoulders, or upper back
  2.  Stiffness or difficulty moving the neck
  3.  Headaches
  4.  Tingling or numbness in the arms or hands

If you are experiencing neck pain, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatment options may include medications to manage pain and inflammation, physical therapy to improve neck strength and flexibility, and lifestyle changes, such as improving posture and ergonomics.

What Physical Therapy treatments are used for Neck Pain?

  1.  Stretching and range of motion exercises: These exercises can help improve flexibility and reduce stiffness in the neck.
  2.  Strengthening exercises: Strengthening the muscles in the neck and upper back can help support the neck and reduce pain.
  3.  Manual therapy: Techniques such as massage, joint mobilization, and trigger point release can help reduce muscle tension and improve mobility in the neck.
  4.  Posture training: A physical therapist can teach you proper posture techniques to help reduce strain on the neck muscles.


It is important to work with a physical therapist to develop a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. They can help you progress safely and effectively through your rehabilitation program to reduce your neck pain and improve your overall function.

Why do we recommend that you visit Dr. Gamero to treat your Neck pain?

I am Dr. Carlos Gamero, a physical therapist with years of experience treating and helping people engaged in various activities such as office workers, athletes and celebrities. I take a holistic approach to treating neck pain.  Treatments are tailored to each individual and may include manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle modifications. 

I work with clients to identify the underlying source of the pain, and then provide appropriate interventions to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and strengthen the surrounding muscles. I focus on the whole body, rather than just the affected area, to address the issue and prevent reoccurrence. My goal is to ensure our clients can return to their daily activities with less pain, improved posture and greater confidence. 

Schedule an appointment with me in Las Vegas and get rid of your muscle aches and pains.

Dr. Carlos Gamero