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Healing Techniques

Physical Therapy Treatments in Las Vegas

massage on the calf muscle.


Is a unique and highly specific process leading to the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries through non-invasive methods. ORTHO-THERAPY™ draws upon a myriad of established techniques and has been processed into a formulaic method to assess and correct pain and dysfunction. ORTHO THERAPY™ is a state-of-the art system that utilizes specific manual and instrument assisted treatment to promote healing of muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and joints.


This technique is used to correct imbalances in the structure of the body. The musculoskeletal structure of the body is a balance between stability and mobility. Due to the activities of training, or in everyday life, the bones can tilt, bend, rotate, and shift out of position. This can cause pain and restriction, so the hammer and chisel allow leverage on a better point of contact, increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. We manipulate the bones in order to correct these imbalances.

Trigger point Dry Needling

Trigger point Dry Needling

An effective technique for eliminating trigger points in taut muscle bands found in chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes. A needle is inserted perpendicularly through the skin down to the tender, palpable taut band. When the needle contacts the trigger point, the patient feels an acute pain of varying intensity at the site of the injection. Electro stimulation can also be used in conjunction with dry needling. Usually after the first treatment session, pain relief lasts 3 to 4 days. Then following each subsequent session, the duration of pain relief is longer.

laser treatments

Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is low intensity laser therapy that stimulates healing while using low levels of light. During this procedure, different wavelengths and outputs of low-level light are applied directly to a targeted area. The body tissue then absorbs the light. The red and near infrared light cause a reaction, and the damaged cells respond with a physiological reaction that promotes regeneration. Sports medicine and physical therapy practices often use cold laser therapy in the treatment of minor injuries and sprains, such as:

● Ligament sprains
● Muscle strains
● Tendonitis
● Bursitis
● Tennis elbow
● Neck pain
● Lower back pain
● Knee pain
● Pain associated with muscle spasms

It’s also used to help reduce swelling and promote healing of the joints and soft tissue.

Radial Shockwave-Therapy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a noninvasive treatment that involves delivery of shock waves to injured soft tissue to reduce pain and promote healing.

ESWT is a viable option to consider for many patients who present with chronic tendinopathy that hasn’t responded to more conservative treatments. This therapy may be beneficial for treating the following areas of tendinopathy:

  • Rotator cuff
  • Lateral epicondyle
  • Medial epicondyle
  • Greater trochanter (gluteus medius and minimus)
  • Proximal hamstring origin
  • Rectus femoris
  • Distal quadricep
  • Patellar tendon
  • Posterior tibial
  • Peroneal
  • Achilles
  • Plantar fascia
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

This is a treatment technique in which different instruments are used to address abnormalities in the soft tissues of a patient such as increased muscle tone, tension, trigger points, and abnormal thickening of connective tissue.

Muscle Energy TEchniques

Muscle Energy Technique

MET is a type of manipulative medicine designed to improve musculoskeletal function through mobilizing joints and stretching tight fascia in order to reduce pain and to improve circulation and lymphatic flow.

postural correction

Postural Correction

Many aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulders and back are caused by improper posture. In order to correct these imbalances mobility and strength must be restored. Postural correction encompasses self-myofascial release techniques and therapeutic exercises to achieve this.

skeletal manipulation

Skeletal Manipulation

Manipulation is a sudden movement or thrust of small amplitude performed at high speed at

the end of joint range such that the patient is unable to prevent the movement.

Skeletal manipulation is useful whenever joints are stiff, and it is causing pain and restricting range of motion.




Or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is a modality used commonly to treat sporting injuries. A direct current is applied across the skin to cause electrical stimulation. This stimulation decreases inflammation and promotes healing. TENS therapy has been used or is being studied to relieve both chronic (long lasting) and acute (short-term) pain. Some of the most common conditions for which TENS has been used include:

● Osteoarthritis (disease of the joints).
● Fibromyalgia (aching and pain in muscles, tendons, and joints all over the body, especially along the spine.
● Tendinitis (an inflammation or irritation of a tendon).
● Bursitis (inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints).
● Labor pain.
● Low back pain.
● Chronic pelvic pain.

Deep Tissue Myofascial Release

Deep Tissue Myofascial Release

In this technique we use the application of direct pressure perpendicular to the skin towards the center of a muscle with sufficient pressure to evoke a temporary ischemic reaction. The aims of this technique are to stimulate the tension-monitoring receptors within the muscle to reduce muscle tone, to provide an analgesic response of soft tissue by eliciting a release of pain-mediating substances and to deactivate symptomatic trigger points.

Cupping Therapy


The aim of vacuum cupping is to stretch the soft tissues. Oil is applied to the skin to contain the negative pressure created in the cup by a vacuum pump. In the vacuum the soft tissue is drawn upwards, thereby stretching the soft tissue in a regulated sustained stretch. Cupping can also be paired with movement to increase the stretch of the tissue.